


Country USA Wayne Brady release date 2017 Directors Katherine Fairfax Wright Follow singer and YouTube sensation Todrick Hall as he launches an original musical based on growing up gay in Texas and finding showbiz success Duration 100Minute. Behind the curtain: todrick hall album.


Why had I never heard of this man before? One reviewer said it was narcissistic of him to produce his own doc (check most stars and if they weren't credited, you can bet they were producing behind the scenes. So I haven't heard of him because the music biz can't pigeonhole or control him, nor can Hollywood. How dare someone control their own art! There is nothing bad you can say about this film, and I don't usually give even films I love a 10. He is entertaining off-stage as well as on. He puts his money where his mouth is, and you can't fault that. I am glad to see that Straight Outta Compton has been released on film, but sad to see that it hasn't been picked up by any Broadway producers yet. Guess they can't walk the talk. Big surprise. So many no talents are gumming up the 'waves now, so I just don't pay much attention to new music at this point. As if he would be included, anyway. Well, I am a fan now, and hope to follow him to a very bright future indeed. Glad I caught this on NF and cheers to them for picking it up. Wish they had this musical, too.

BEHIND THE CURTAIN: TODRICK. BEHIND THE CURTAIN: TODRICK hall. https://ameblo.jp/nintekiza/entry-12489510126.html https://ameblo.jp/tsukuaishi/entry-12489496576.html

Behind the curtain: todrick hall

Behind the curtain: todrick hall chords.